Monday, September 1, 2008

my super cool book(:

This week i started to re-read(again), a book called Hatets. The book is about a girl named Pasqui who lives in New Mexico. The beggining of the book is is about her artist father who had just come home from a business trip in LA. Pasqui and her father go to a familiar restaurant together and share a bite to eat, but it ends up more than just that. Her father tells her that shes moving to LA! Reading that part of the story reminds me on when my parents told me that I would be moving to Chula Vista and start the 2nd grade at a whole new school. I, like Pasqui, was disappointed to have to leave all my friends. I would be on the phone multile times a week trying to find ways for me to be able to go back to my old school, and although now I know that there was absolutely no chance of that, at the time i was so convinced that i would soon return to my old school in El Cajon(: Beacause of the moving experience I had, i can relate to Pasqui and understand her frustration when she was told that she would have to move.

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