Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interview 1: Andre

Andre’s interview:

Do you know anyone that immigrated? If yes, then from where did he/she immigrate?-my grandma, immigrated from Sicily

If you could immigrate anywhere in the world, where would you immigrate and why? - Italy. Because I want to know more about my other side of the family and the history

How do you feel that illegal immigrants are impacting/or not impacting your community and/or the US? - Illegal. Immigrants are not impacting because they can get caught which can cause problems but if your legal you wont cause any problems

Are you related to any immigrants? If so, where are they from? - Yes, Italian immigrants

How do you feel about immigration?-its good if something good comes out of it but bad if something bad comes out of it

Do you think illegal immigrants should have any rights? Why or why not?-no, well due to the constitution they should have the right to speak and stuff. Well yeah they should have rights but not to a job

Why do you think illegal immigrants come here?-to have a better life, to pursue a talent

How would you feel if there was no border?-I would feel unsafe if there was no border because I wouldn’t know the people. It all depends how they approach us

How do you feel about illegal immigrants being deported?-it’s fair because you have to do the paperwork to become legal and those who come here legally, it wouldn’t be fair. If they want to come to the country that bad, they should work for it.

Do you feel everybody is an immigrant? Why?-no because a lot of people are born here so those who are born here aren’t immigrants

If you were an immigrant, how would your life be different?-wouldn’t know the same people, not have what I have now, probably speak another language, have a different religion

Would you have the guts to immigrate illegally?-no because I would not want to pay the consequences

What do you think about the border patrol?-they really want to keep the people where they belong. We should have security, defenses and boundaries

If you were an immigrant, how would you want to be treated?-nicely, even if I don’t like them I don’t want to treat them bad

Do you think illegal immigrants should be deported?-yes because there’s a reason for them not to be here they’re not allowed for a reason

What do you think the country should do to solve the problem of illegal immigration?-whoever the us is having the most problems with that is closest, like Mexico, they should take down the border and make the us bigger by making Mexico part of the us to make where they live part of the us since they want to be here so bad

What do you think about the system of getting legal papers? Is there anything you would change?-it’s fair, its fine the way it is. I believe that if you change one thing, there will be more things you have it change. Like when you take one domino out of a line, it’s ruined and then you have to start over

What is your nationality? What is your ethnicity?-American. Black and Italian.

Do you like the idea of immigrants coming to the US? Why or why not?-I don’t care because it has nothing to do with me or my family

If you were an illegal immigrant, how would you feel if your family was deported but not you because you were born here?-confused

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