Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interview 3: Dianna

Dianna’s interview:

Do you know anyone that immigrated? If yes, then from where did he/she immigrate?-grandma, mom, step grandma, other grandma, grandpa. They emigrated from Mexico.

If you could immigrate anywhere in the world, where would you immigrate and why?-I would go to France because its pretty there and it sounds like a cool place

What would you do if you could help and/or change immigration in America?- Give more people chances, more immigrants chances

How do you feel that illegal immigrants are impacting/or not impacting your community and/or the US?-they’re making the economy more sufficient, giving us more money because they’re farm workers and we export our crops

Have you immigrated from somewhere? How old were you? What were thoughts then?-nope

Are you related to any immigrants? If so, where are they from?-yes, Mexico

How do you feel about immigration?-I think its cool because then countries have a diversity of culture

Do you like immigrants who come to our country?-yeah because they’re cool

Do you think illegal immigrants should have any rights? Why or why not?-not all rights like not to vote but the freedom of speech and the bill of rights yeah

Why do you think illegal immigrants come here?-for a better life and for an education

How would you feel if there was no border?-I wouldn’t care because I trust people

Are you directly impacted by immigration?-not really, but they do the farm work. Without them I probably wouldn’t be healthy because I wouldn’t have fruits or vegetables

How do you feel about illegal immigrations being deported?-I don’t think they should be deported because most of them come for a better life

How would you feel if YOU were the illegal immigrant?-I would feel like if they tried to deport me I would feel sad because they wouldn’t appreciate the fact that I’m coming for a better life

Do you feel everybody is an immigrant? Why?-well if you go like way, way back yeah because in America there’s no such thing as being an American because we all come from different places

Do you think the government should take more action on illegal immigration or less action?-less because they’re not coming to hurt you

If you were an immigrant, how would your life be different?-wouldn’t have all I have now, learn to appreciate what I have

Would you have the guts to immigrate illegally?-no because I think its dangerous because your jeopardizing your life and your freedom

What do you think about the border patrol?-I think that their job is pointless because people shouldn’t be deported just trying to come to the us and everyone should have an opportunity to live here

If you were an immigrant, how would you want to be treated?-with the same rights as the Americans and I wouldn’t want to be discriminated

When you hear the phrase “jumping the border,” what come to mind?-border patrol, Mexico

Do you think illegal immigrants should be deported?-no

What do you think about the system of getting legal papers? Is there anything you would change?-its okay but it shouldn’t be so strict and they should give more people chances

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