Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reading Journal 9: Dead Girls Don't write Letters

OMG. This book is starting to get scary, especially reading it at night. This week in the book, there was a part where Sunny was going through Jazz's dresser in search of the diary that may hold all the information on what is really happening with the fake Jazz and show she was able to portray the real Jazz so well. In this scene, the fake Jazz accidentally calls Sunny, Karen and talks about her 'snickers raids'. This had nothing to do with the real Jazz at all. This started to make Sunny begin thinking about if maybe this girl who was "Jazz" had acted as other people also, and not just Jazz.

If this situation happened to me, i would be even more confused and very curious. Just reading this book makes me scared to think that this girl could be dangerous. If i knew that someone came into my house acting as one of my siblings, but wasn't really one of my siblings, I would not wait around to find out how dangerous the person is. I think that by Sunny taking it step by step to figure out who this fake Jazz is, is one way that the author can really create suspense and a feel of fright to the book. I hope i finish the book, I only have a few more chapters but I can't stand creepy things and this book is getting pretty creepy.......

-mallory :)

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