Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reading Journal 8: Dead Girls Don't write letters

This week I continued to read "Dead Girls don't Write Letters". This book just keeps pulling me more and more into it. The part I read that really caught my attention was when Sunny, the 14 year old sister, did a 'Jazz test' on the fake Jazz. What she did was put out two ice cream bowls, ones that the sisters had been using since they were toddlers. One was of Pooh Bear, and the other of Eeyore. Sunny knew which one was her bowl and which one was Jazz's. When the fake Jazz reached for the wrong bowl, Sunny got a bit sad.

If that happened to me, where I did a est to see how much an impostor knew about my family, and then they failed it, I would probably be pretty bummed out because that would mean that any hope I had that this person could possibly really be my sibling would probably be gone. For me, I am very into tradition and special things and if the bowls were a tradition I had with a sibling, I would probably feel pretty crushed. Something that I would do to test to see if someone really knew about my family would be to see where they sat at the dinner table, see if they talked their usual way and recognized usual people, etc.

Reading this book really makes me think about how I would feel if someone pretended to be my sister or brother. I would probably be pretty upset and hurt. Well, thats all for now folks! :D

-mallory :)

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