Sunday, September 28, 2008

Reading Journal 5:Biography on Raven-Symone.

Today i read a bio on Raven-Symone. It was actually really interesting. I learned that her birthday is Decenber 10th, she was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and that her full name is Raven-Symone Christina Pearman. When going over the first part of the bio, i learned that Raven had auditioned for a Bill Cosby movie called "Ghost Dad" but was to young for she was too young for the part. Fortunately for her, Bill Cosby liked her so much he gave her a part on his show as many of you know is Olivia, his grand-daughter. She played that role until the show went off air.

Later, she played in "The Little Rascals" and "Dr. Dolittle" both the first and second. Also, as pretty much everyone knows, she played as a struggling teen trying to become famous with her 3 friends in the movie "The Cheetah Girls". She also has her own show on Disney Channel called thats so Raven, one that my dad makes fun of all the time lol. That show has become very popular which has kept her busy over the past few years. Also with her newest movie "College Road Trip", which in my opinion was very funny.

I think it was really cool to read about Raven Symone because she is someone i can look up to who hasn't yet "turned bad" like many of the other famous pop-stars have. Also because it helps me to learn different aspects of black history :)


Monday, September 22, 2008

Reading Journal 4

this week i read a bunch of teen embarresing stories. i thought it was cool to read about what kinds of crazy and wacky adventures others teens go through. one that i read was about a girl who was babysitting her two young neices and fell asleep on the job. then when she woke up, she had to drop them off at the mall to meet her sister, the two young girls mother, but hadnt looked in the mirror at all since she woke up. when she got to the mall, her sister started bursting into laughter and asked her if she had looked in the mirror, but she said no. when she did, she felt really embarressed because she had been walking around the mall with crazy little kid makeup on! i thought it was pretty funny because she wasnt even aware that she had a bunch of stuff on her face but her neices knew.

i also read about a new Diamond that was found in Africa. it is among the largest ever! i think thats pretty cool. i was never really SUPER interested in Diamonds, but i saw then picture for this one and thought it looked really amazing. i mean diamonds are created from nature and not necesarily man made and i think its really cool how nature can create something so beautiful. w0w. well thats what i read, i hope it absolutely fascinated you! :)

-mallory :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Reading Journal 3: Diary of Anne Frank

okay so i started to read this super awesome book called Diary of Anne Frank, which a lot of you have probably already heard of or even read. well i am just now reading it and i think its totally awesome so far! im at the part where Anne and her family have to go into hiding because they are jewish. its pretty rough because Anne has a life where she lives and its being completely changed just because people are hating on her because of her religion. i've never really experienced anything like this, but it, for some reason, reminds me of how a lot of my friends make fun of me and call me a nerd just because i go to High Tech. like they assume that im a certain way because of the school i go to kind of like how just because Anne's jewish, somethings wrong with even though she's just a normal teenager with normal feelings like a teen from any other religion. i dont feel thats it fair for her to have to go in hiding because of who she is. like if there was a group of people who wanted to kill all Christians, I'd be really sad and upset that people would be afraid of me just because of my religion. well i am liking this book a lot so far and i will keep on posting as i get further along!!

-mallory :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interview 3: Dianna

Dianna’s interview:

Do you know anyone that immigrated? If yes, then from where did he/she immigrate?-grandma, mom, step grandma, other grandma, grandpa. They emigrated from Mexico.

If you could immigrate anywhere in the world, where would you immigrate and why?-I would go to France because its pretty there and it sounds like a cool place

What would you do if you could help and/or change immigration in America?- Give more people chances, more immigrants chances

How do you feel that illegal immigrants are impacting/or not impacting your community and/or the US?-they’re making the economy more sufficient, giving us more money because they’re farm workers and we export our crops

Have you immigrated from somewhere? How old were you? What were thoughts then?-nope

Are you related to any immigrants? If so, where are they from?-yes, Mexico

How do you feel about immigration?-I think its cool because then countries have a diversity of culture

Do you like immigrants who come to our country?-yeah because they’re cool

Do you think illegal immigrants should have any rights? Why or why not?-not all rights like not to vote but the freedom of speech and the bill of rights yeah

Why do you think illegal immigrants come here?-for a better life and for an education

How would you feel if there was no border?-I wouldn’t care because I trust people

Are you directly impacted by immigration?-not really, but they do the farm work. Without them I probably wouldn’t be healthy because I wouldn’t have fruits or vegetables

How do you feel about illegal immigrations being deported?-I don’t think they should be deported because most of them come for a better life

How would you feel if YOU were the illegal immigrant?-I would feel like if they tried to deport me I would feel sad because they wouldn’t appreciate the fact that I’m coming for a better life

Do you feel everybody is an immigrant? Why?-well if you go like way, way back yeah because in America there’s no such thing as being an American because we all come from different places

Do you think the government should take more action on illegal immigration or less action?-less because they’re not coming to hurt you

If you were an immigrant, how would your life be different?-wouldn’t have all I have now, learn to appreciate what I have

Would you have the guts to immigrate illegally?-no because I think its dangerous because your jeopardizing your life and your freedom

What do you think about the border patrol?-I think that their job is pointless because people shouldn’t be deported just trying to come to the us and everyone should have an opportunity to live here

If you were an immigrant, how would you want to be treated?-with the same rights as the Americans and I wouldn’t want to be discriminated

When you hear the phrase “jumping the border,” what come to mind?-border patrol, Mexico

Do you think illegal immigrants should be deported?-no

What do you think about the system of getting legal papers? Is there anything you would change?-its okay but it shouldn’t be so strict and they should give more people chances

Interview 2: Michelle

Michelle’s interview:

Do you know anyone that immigrated? If yes, then from where did he/she immigrate? - Yes, many kids from my school emigrated from Mexico

If you could immigrate anywhere in the world, where would you immigrate and why? - France because of the beautiful old history that lies within the streets

What would you do if you could help and/or change immigration in America?- I would help immigrants who are in need and willing to serve our country for the better, be able to come American citizens

How do you feel that illegal immigrants are impacting/or not impacting your community and/or the US? - I feel that we have a lot of illegal immigrants who are not bettering the society but we have some illegal immigrants who are working for the wealth of America

Have you immigrated from somewhere? How old were you? What were thoughts then? - no

Are you related to any immigrants? If so, where are they from? - Yes, my grandma, my grandpa, and my other grandpa

Do you like immigrants who come to our country? - personally I would like immigrants to come to our country if they made it a better place to be

Do you think illegal immigrants should have any rights? Why or why not? - I feel that it should be easier and faster for illegal immigrants to become American citizens and therefore once they are American citizens have all common rights

Why do you think illegal immigrants come here? - Illegal immigrants migrate to the US because they are searching for freedom, and a stronger sense of fair government. And for the opportunity to help rule the country you live in

How would you feel if there was no border? - I would feel very unsafe. We need borders and governments to control the population and safety or our country

Do you feel everybody is an immigrant? Why? - Yes because I feel that no one truly fits in and no ones truly normal and in America were very diverse in race

If you were an immigrant, how would your life be different?- my life would be less settle and sure I would never feel like u truly belong I would feel alienated but I also might feel that I truly made a change for myself for the better

What do you think about the border patrol? - I believe that border patrol is necessary because many immigrants want to migrate to the US and we need to filter who we let through. Ex- the border patrol need to catch terrorist, drug sellers, and people who are not going to better our country

When you hear the phrase “jumping the border,” what come to mind? - I think of people in a desperate for social reform and political change

Do you think illegal immigrants should be deported? - I think that illegal immigrants that are not helping our country achieve a higher standard should be deported

Interview 1: Andre

Andre’s interview:

Do you know anyone that immigrated? If yes, then from where did he/she immigrate?-my grandma, immigrated from Sicily

If you could immigrate anywhere in the world, where would you immigrate and why? - Italy. Because I want to know more about my other side of the family and the history

How do you feel that illegal immigrants are impacting/or not impacting your community and/or the US? - Illegal. Immigrants are not impacting because they can get caught which can cause problems but if your legal you wont cause any problems

Are you related to any immigrants? If so, where are they from? - Yes, Italian immigrants

How do you feel about immigration?-its good if something good comes out of it but bad if something bad comes out of it

Do you think illegal immigrants should have any rights? Why or why not?-no, well due to the constitution they should have the right to speak and stuff. Well yeah they should have rights but not to a job

Why do you think illegal immigrants come here?-to have a better life, to pursue a talent

How would you feel if there was no border?-I would feel unsafe if there was no border because I wouldn’t know the people. It all depends how they approach us

How do you feel about illegal immigrants being deported?-it’s fair because you have to do the paperwork to become legal and those who come here legally, it wouldn’t be fair. If they want to come to the country that bad, they should work for it.

Do you feel everybody is an immigrant? Why?-no because a lot of people are born here so those who are born here aren’t immigrants

If you were an immigrant, how would your life be different?-wouldn’t know the same people, not have what I have now, probably speak another language, have a different religion

Would you have the guts to immigrate illegally?-no because I would not want to pay the consequences

What do you think about the border patrol?-they really want to keep the people where they belong. We should have security, defenses and boundaries

If you were an immigrant, how would you want to be treated?-nicely, even if I don’t like them I don’t want to treat them bad

Do you think illegal immigrants should be deported?-yes because there’s a reason for them not to be here they’re not allowed for a reason

What do you think the country should do to solve the problem of illegal immigration?-whoever the us is having the most problems with that is closest, like Mexico, they should take down the border and make the us bigger by making Mexico part of the us to make where they live part of the us since they want to be here so bad

What do you think about the system of getting legal papers? Is there anything you would change?-it’s fair, its fine the way it is. I believe that if you change one thing, there will be more things you have it change. Like when you take one domino out of a line, it’s ruined and then you have to start over

What is your nationality? What is your ethnicity?-American. Black and Italian.

Do you like the idea of immigrants coming to the US? Why or why not?-I don’t care because it has nothing to do with me or my family

If you were an illegal immigrant, how would you feel if your family was deported but not you because you were born here?-confused

Sunday, September 7, 2008

candy cane creation!

this week i read about how candy canes were created. according to this tall-tale, in 1670, a German man was very rudely interrupted during his Holiday program by some squirmy kids. he was very upset and angry that his program was ruined, but instead of yelling or punishing the children, he gave them candy. he made sticks of candy and shaped them into Shepperd's staffs like in the bible and gave them to the children so that they would be quiet and listen. i think that the man was clever to give the kids candy because bribing really works for kids, i would know!(:
i also think thats it cool to be able to learn the story of the creation of candy canes because
they are a Christmas tradition that many people share. for example, a lot of my friends
give out candy canes to everyone during Christmas time just as a gift. so i think that because
of those rowdy little kids, we now have a special Christmas tradition to share with those
around during that special time each year! (:

-mallory caprice.

Monday, September 1, 2008

my super cool book(:

This week i started to re-read(again), a book called Hatets. The book is about a girl named Pasqui who lives in New Mexico. The beggining of the book is is about her artist father who had just come home from a business trip in LA. Pasqui and her father go to a familiar restaurant together and share a bite to eat, but it ends up more than just that. Her father tells her that shes moving to LA! Reading that part of the story reminds me on when my parents told me that I would be moving to Chula Vista and start the 2nd grade at a whole new school. I, like Pasqui, was disappointed to have to leave all my friends. I would be on the phone multile times a week trying to find ways for me to be able to go back to my old school, and although now I know that there was absolutely no chance of that, at the time i was so convinced that i would soon return to my old school in El Cajon(: Beacause of the moving experience I had, i can relate to Pasqui and understand her frustration when she was told that she would have to move.