Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reading Journal 9: Dead Girls Don't write Letters

OMG. This book is starting to get scary, especially reading it at night. This week in the book, there was a part where Sunny was going through Jazz's dresser in search of the diary that may hold all the information on what is really happening with the fake Jazz and show she was able to portray the real Jazz so well. In this scene, the fake Jazz accidentally calls Sunny, Karen and talks about her 'snickers raids'. This had nothing to do with the real Jazz at all. This started to make Sunny begin thinking about if maybe this girl who was "Jazz" had acted as other people also, and not just Jazz.

If this situation happened to me, i would be even more confused and very curious. Just reading this book makes me scared to think that this girl could be dangerous. If i knew that someone came into my house acting as one of my siblings, but wasn't really one of my siblings, I would not wait around to find out how dangerous the person is. I think that by Sunny taking it step by step to figure out who this fake Jazz is, is one way that the author can really create suspense and a feel of fright to the book. I hope i finish the book, I only have a few more chapters but I can't stand creepy things and this book is getting pretty creepy.......

-mallory :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reading Journal 8: Dead Girls Don't write letters

This week I continued to read "Dead Girls don't Write Letters". This book just keeps pulling me more and more into it. The part I read that really caught my attention was when Sunny, the 14 year old sister, did a 'Jazz test' on the fake Jazz. What she did was put out two ice cream bowls, ones that the sisters had been using since they were toddlers. One was of Pooh Bear, and the other of Eeyore. Sunny knew which one was her bowl and which one was Jazz's. When the fake Jazz reached for the wrong bowl, Sunny got a bit sad.

If that happened to me, where I did a est to see how much an impostor knew about my family, and then they failed it, I would probably be pretty bummed out because that would mean that any hope I had that this person could possibly really be my sibling would probably be gone. For me, I am very into tradition and special things and if the bowls were a tradition I had with a sibling, I would probably feel pretty crushed. Something that I would do to test to see if someone really knew about my family would be to see where they sat at the dinner table, see if they talked their usual way and recognized usual people, etc.

Reading this book really makes me think about how I would feel if someone pretended to be my sister or brother. I would probably be pretty upset and hurt. Well, thats all for now folks! :D

-mallory :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our Town vocab words.

The epitaph on my uncles tombstone was very uplifing due to the life he lived.

James B. More was a very great savant.

Kelly is a very conceited individual, due to her stuck-up attitude and use of "I" a lot.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Reading Journal 7: Dead Girls Don't Write Letters

Wow. This week i started reading a book called "Dead Girls Don't Wrote Letters". Can you imagine one of your siblings dying, and then writing you a letter saying that they'll be coming into town soon? That's what this book is all about.

A 14 year old girl named Sunny gets a letter from her 'dead' sister saying that she was alive, and that she would be coming into town. Sunny wasn't very happy because she didn't like her sister. When the news that her sister had died was revealed, she was the only one who was secretly happy about it. Can you imagine being happy for your siblings death?! Well Sunny was. I guess her sister was REALLY mean to her, i mean there has to be a reason for such a strong dislike towrd a sibling right?

Well the day that Sunny's older sister, Jasmine or Jazz, came home after her 'death', Sunny could see that it was NOT really her sister. If that ever happened to me, where after I had heard that my sieter was dead, then got a letter from her saying that she's alive, then her coming home and it's NOT her, WOW I would feel sooooo sad because just the death akine of my sister would make me feel so sad, and then an imposter coming in and prwteding to be the sister that i once had and loved?! That would really cut my heart. Same with my brothers or my other sister, I would be devastated if someone EVER tried to be them. Also, i can't imagine anyone ever looking like any of my siblings enough for me to even consider them being one of my siblings. I, like Sunny, would probably know too if there was someone pretending to be one of my siblings, because all of them are so great and unique that I don't think there's any human being that could ever portray them enough to make me believe that it could really be them.

Well, thats my reflection on the book so far, I can't wait to finish it!

Hasta La Vista, BABY :)

-mallory :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Reading Journal 6: Sad story but yet, happy

This week i read story about a 14 year old girl and how she fell in love.
She had met a nice guy at a Halloween party and started to talk to him a lot.
She liked him so much that she started to fall in love.
Unfortunately, her home situation was really bad and she had been raped multiple times by her step-father. Although her mother knew this, she still allowed the man to live in her house.
When the girls mom found out that she was dating, she was very abusive of her, so was her step-father. Reading this story really made me think about hoe blessed I am to have such an awesome family who really cares about me and treats me like a princess compared to the way the girl in the story was treated. I feel that no kid should be treated the way that this girl in the story was treated. They should have a chance to live a life that is free of abuse. I also feel sad to know that they're are young girls around the world be treated this way, and worse.

-mallory :)