Thursday, May 14, 2009

Right now.

I am extremely exausted.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Reading Journal 24: Cyrano de Bergerac

Quote: "Yes. Your hand to kiss."

Question: Why does Cyrano attract girls?

Comment: I am extremely confused at how flattered the lady is when Cyrano flirts with hr because he is supposed to be an extremely un-attractive male. Why then, do girls get flattered by him? Maybe the lady is also unfortunate looking and has never been noticed and that's the reason she is soo flattered by Cyrano. Or maybe she was a man in disguise! Either way, she was flattered by an ugly man. ...weird.


Reading Journal 23: New Moon

Quote: "'Bella I don't want you to come with me'. He spoke the words slowly and percisely, his cold eyes on my face, watching as I absorbed what he was really saying".

Question: Why is Edward a jerk?

Comment: WOOOOOW. This is really frustrating me. I see why so many people dislike Edaward this book. I mean I kinda see why he doesn't wan Bella to go with him, because he doesn't want her to be put into any more danger because of him. But what is her life without him? And his without her? I think they should be together. But I know they will because there's a whole other 500 pages left, plus two more books! :D It all works out in the end! :)


Reading Journal 22: Twilight

Quote: "He smiled, and inclined his head slowly until his cold lips brushed against the skin just under the corner of my jaw".

Question: Why won't Edward turn Bella into a vampire?!

Comment: I am getting very frustrated at the suspense of Edward almost turning Bella into a vampire and then not doing it! Why doesn't he just do it?! I mean if he wants to be with her forever he might as well just make her imortal by turning her into what he is. If it's what Bella wants, then he should do it. AAAAHHHH!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reading Journal 21: Twilight

Quote: "I glanced sideways at the beautiful boy, who was looking at his tray now, picking a bagel to pieces with long, pale fingers.

Question: Why were his fingers so pale?

Comment: This quote really caught my interest because of the way Bella describes what the boy is doing and the way it looks. I think its interesting that she noticed that his fingers were long and pale. That tells me that she was really ineterested in the boy and that something about him was entrigueing her into him.


Reading Journal 20: Twilight

Quote: "But at least he sent me to an empty desk at the back without introducing me to the class".

Question: What class is she in?

Comment: After reading this quote, I wonder why Bella doesn't want to be introduced to the class. I know that for me, I would want to be introduced so that people would know who I am. It makes me get the impression that her character is shy and kind of in a shell because she doesn't want people to know who she is.


Reading Journal 19: Twilight

Quote: "I would be the new girl from the big city, a curiosity, a freak."

Question: Why is she really negative?

Comment: From this quote, I get the impression that Bella thinks of herself as a "reject", or an odd ball out. Maybe this is because she was treated badly at her old school in Pheonix, and is afraid of being treated the same way at her new school. Hopefully she will give her new peers a chance at accepting her, and she won't put herself down, that way she can make friends.


Reading Journal 18: Twilight

Quote: "Charlie gave me an awkward one-armed hug when I stumbled my way off the plane."

Question: Why does she call her dad Charlie?

Comment: This quote makes me think that Bella and her dad don't have a very close relationship. One reason is because she calls him Charlie, and not dad. Also because she said the hug between them was awkward. It could be just because they haven't seen each other in a while, but also because they're not very close.


Be cheerful(:

"All the days of the oppressed are are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast!" -Proverbs 15:15

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cyrano de Bergerac.

Quote: ""LE BRET" [who has made a circuit of the house, returning to ward RAGUENEAU, in a tone of relief] Cyrano is not here.

Question: Is Cyrano in love with the actress that is on the play?

Comment: I feel that this quote helped me to better understand what's going on in the story because I was a bit more clear on who the characters are what their positions are in the story.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reading Journal 16: Monster

Quote: "You think we're going to win?"

Comment: This is a line that the main character of the book, Steve, says. He is a 16 year old boy accused of murdering someone. The reason he says this is because he's asking his attorney about his case and the trial. To me, I get the feeling of fear from Steve because he is unsure of what will happen that day in the trial. I think that I would also be scared, that's why I'm never planing on getting accused of murder. :D

Question: Will Steve be found guilty in the trial?


Reading Journal 15: Pretty Little Devils(dont read this if you want to read the book... it will spoil it for you)

Quote: "That's why I'm Happy2BEEllen!"

Comment: OH MY Gosh I knew Ellen was the killer! She was on my list of killer gusses paper. And they almost had me thinking it was Sylvia.... Crazy right?! You think I would know better but noooo I just had to fall for the dumb tricks of the book. Hmmm well clearly Nancy Holder is a good author because she sure had me fooled! WOW what a good book, except for the next 3 months I'm going to be scared that Ellen is going to come kill me... Even though I know its just a book. Oh well! Okay I'm done.... bye!

Question: Why the heck did Ellen kill her own boyfriend? Maybe to make it look like Sylvia did? Who knows...


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Reading Journal 14: Divas

Quote: "The best way to keep a man is to keep a man waiting".

Comment: This quote was something that a mother told her daughter as advice to her daughter about men. What she was saying is that the best way to keep a guy is by not having sex with him. There are often times when boys say sweet things or do sweet things just to get a girl to sleep with them. But in the advice the mother was saying that you shouldn't do that because once they get what they want, they kick you to the curb, which is what happens to the girl, Diamond, in the book. I think that the advice the mom gives is really good because it is often very true.

Question: will the Divine Divas win the country wide Christian singing competition?


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Reading Journal 13: Divas

"I read a magazine that said sexy didn't have a dress size". This quote came from the book Divas written by Victoria Christopher Murray. This quote makes me really think about the way that the human race views "sexy". For most, he definition of sexy could be something like sexually interesting, excitingly appealing. for men its usually a girl that they think is "hot" and has a nice body or good personality or what ever, depending on the dude. But in this quote it says that sexy has no dress size which means that any woman, no matter her size can be sexy. For many women, it is very important to feel sexy at some time or to be told that they are attractive or pretty and I think this quote should really encourage those women who don't think they're attractive because of their size, whether too thin or too fat. I think that all women should be more kind to each other and lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. My cousin Kayci once told me that girls hate pretty girls. The reason she said this was because if girls feel intimidated b another girl, then they can be mean. But instead of hurting each other, we should be trying to make each other feel better so that we can all feel special or sexy or attractive.

QUESTION: Are Jax and Jayde really together?

*I would definitely recommend this book, especially to female african-american teens!* :D


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Reading Journal12: Divas

this week i read a book called Divas. in the chapter i read, it talked about how 4 girls wanted to enter a singing competition. in the part i read this week, it was the part where the girls had to meet with their parents and the pastor of their church to figure out the details and funding for the trip and competition. this reminds me of when i try to convince my parents to let me have a party. the main part of parties is the cost of everything which is also the main thing in the competition. also how schoolwork will interfere with the competition, which is something my parents also worry about when theres an out of school activity i want to do. THE END !
