Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Reading Journal 13: Divas

"I read a magazine that said sexy didn't have a dress size". This quote came from the book Divas written by Victoria Christopher Murray. This quote makes me really think about the way that the human race views "sexy". For most, he definition of sexy could be something like sexually interesting, excitingly appealing. for men its usually a girl that they think is "hot" and has a nice body or good personality or what ever, depending on the dude. But in this quote it says that sexy has no dress size which means that any woman, no matter her size can be sexy. For many women, it is very important to feel sexy at some time or to be told that they are attractive or pretty and I think this quote should really encourage those women who don't think they're attractive because of their size, whether too thin or too fat. I think that all women should be more kind to each other and lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. My cousin Kayci once told me that girls hate pretty girls. The reason she said this was because if girls feel intimidated b another girl, then they can be mean. But instead of hurting each other, we should be trying to make each other feel better so that we can all feel special or sexy or attractive.

QUESTION: Are Jax and Jayde really together?

*I would definitely recommend this book, especially to female african-american teens!* :D


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Reading Journal12: Divas

this week i read a book called Divas. in the chapter i read, it talked about how 4 girls wanted to enter a singing competition. in the part i read this week, it was the part where the girls had to meet with their parents and the pastor of their church to figure out the details and funding for the trip and competition. this reminds me of when i try to convince my parents to let me have a party. the main part of parties is the cost of everything which is also the main thing in the competition. also how schoolwork will interfere with the competition, which is something my parents also worry about when theres an out of school activity i want to do. THE END !
